Reconnect with Your Children & Yourself

Therapy empowering kids and adults to find peace and joy in family life

In-person in Willow Park and online throughout Texas

Schedule a Free Consultation

Every morning is the same ordeal…

…the chaos of desperately trying to get your kids ready.

You finally drag them out of the house to school.

But you’re late to work again since there’s never enough time to do everything.

Where is the love? Where is the joy?

Another tantrum; another downpour of tears.

The simplest conversations dissolve into kicking and screaming.

There is no reasoning with your child.

You love them, but you don’t know what to do to get cooperation.

It’s become so difficult to connect.

They’re always secluded in their room.

Every moment is spent glued to a phone screen.

If they do decide to answer your questions, it’s never with more than a single word.

You’ve tried to change their behavior…

Taking away their tablet and restricting TV.

Attempting to reinforce good behavior with rewards and bribes.

But nothing seems to make any difference.

You feel like you’re missing out on the good parts of parenting.

It’s been so long since you’ve been able to appreciate quality time with your family.

Of course, you still love them with all your heart, but the constant struggle has eclipsed the joy.

You know something needs to change soon, but you don’t know how. The worry is overwhelming.

There is a way forward.

You need a place where you can talk about your struggles and work toward solutions.

It’s time to welcome some new ideas and insights into your life.

Your family can be a source of joy again. And I can help.

Reach Out Now

Hi, I’m Natasha.

Imagine a home life that feels connected and peaceful. That dream may seem out of reach right now, but it is possible!

It’s challenging to be a parent when one or more of your kids is struggling, so let’s help them get back on the right track.

We’ll give your child a place to express themselves and learn to handle emotions naturally. And provide your teenager with the tools they need to process everything they’re dealing with.

Let’s work to help your kids overcome their fears, gain confidence, and persevere through hard times. Give them the leg up they need to become happy, successful adults.

I am so excited you’re here. Let’s develop a plan for giving you and your child the joyful life you deserve!

More about Me

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